• Question: What would you specifically teach at the workshops and how would you teach it?

    Asked by (:SmileyFace:) to Emma, Steve, Alice on 15 Mar 2016. This question was also asked by 2.
    • Photo: Emma Dean

      Emma Dean answered on 15 Mar 2016:

      My workshops will aim to teach students about gravity. What it is and the effects we observe. They would have a particular focus on gravitational waves as we have recently detected them for the first time. This is very important for science and humanity so I want as many people as possible to understand what it means.

      I would teach the workshops in a very interactive way. There would be lots of hands-on stuff that everyone can involved in and plenty of demonstrations.

    • Photo: Alice Harpole

      Alice Harpole answered on 15 Mar 2016:

      I’d like to teach students some basic coding. I never really did any coding until I got to university, and I think that it’s not only a really useful skill to learn but can be a lot of fun!

      In particular, I’d like to introduce them to coding concepts using the language Python. It would also be cool to use the money to buy some Raspberry Pi computers which have the sensor attachment so we could use them to do some physics experiments!

    • Photo: Steve Marsden

      Steve Marsden answered on 15 Mar 2016:

      I’ve been avoiding this question for a while, as I think I was included erroneously. I’m not planning on putting together a workshop if I were to win. Instead I am hoping to fund a YouTube channel which interviews scientists, and discusses current research with them. My profile contains more information.
