• Question: is it hard to adapt to new discoveries when it might change your whole education on that particular topic?

    Asked by anonymous to Steve, Emma, Christian, Bose, Alice on 9 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Steve Marsden

      Steve Marsden answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      Hmm, really interesting question. I don’t really know. All the major discoveries in physics over the past decade were expected. The most notably I think are the Higgs boson and gravitational waves. They are both really important discoveries, but the theories stated that they had to be there. It would have been a much bigger deal if one or both had been shown not to exist.

      There are examples from the past. When it was found that the speed of light was constant, regardless to how fast you were travelling, it blew people’s minds. People insisted that the experiment must have been wrong, but it slowly became accepted as the norm.
