• Question: Do you know what its like to live in space and how do they live?

    Asked by 332grte22 to Alice, Bose, Christian, Emma, Steve on 16 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Steve Marsden

      Steve Marsden answered on 16 Mar 2016:

      Life is so different in space, that could take a long time to answer.

      When you first get into orbit, the sensation of weightlessness is quite uneasy. It’s like going over a crest on a rollercoaster, constantly. It makes most people queasy at first. Because of the dangers of throwing up in a space suit (and then drowning in it) there aren’t usually any space walks scheduled for the first few days after arrival.

      It takes a while to overcome some natural reflexes. For instance, if you’re writing something and loose your grip on the pen, most people instinctively stare at their feet for a while trying to find it… until they realise that it’s floating next to their head.

      The food on the International Space Station is a combination of freeze dried items (because they’re light, and so cheap to get to space), and sticky foods (that will stay on a plate, and not float off into any sensitive equipment).

      Because you’re flying around the Earth every 90 minutes, the sun is perpetually rising and setting, and bares no resemblance to when you’re awake or asleep. For the most part, astronaut day night cycles are kept to 24 hours like on Earth, but if a space walk is needed when the astronaut would normally be asleep, then they’ll change their day length for the days leading up to the walk. Thus making the walk during their day.

      Almost every bit of life in space is different to life on Earth. If you’re interested, I’d recommend watching some of the videos in this playlist. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCE-SVF9BSTe9AhV2g-0TqsYfNHjTzZei
